Our goal is to develop next generation semantics-aware data management systems that are based on a synthesis of ontological reasoning and database management principles, but that also incorporate techniques from many other areas of computer science, particularly those that give a complementary view of "Big Data" management, such as algorithms and machine learning, stream processing, and information retrieval. At the same time, we aim to make important contributions to the career development of the next generation of research leaders.
DBOnto is an EPSRC platform grant, i.e., "a flexible mechanism of providing underpinning funding to well established, world leading research groups". It will help us to achieve the above objectives by:
Attracting and retaining the most talented young researchers from around the world, promoting the training and career development of our research team, and helping them to establish themselves as the research leaders of tomorrow.
Supporting medium-duration and high-risk exploratory collaborations with leading groups in "neighbouring" fields, and possibly even in other disciplines, in order to develop a shared understanding and to identify promising directions for further investigation.
Establishing a semantic data lab in which promising software prototypes will be further developed and maintained, and exploiting such "hardened" prototypes to promote industrial and cross-disciplinary engagement .
Supporting outreach activities, including the development and delivery of tutorials, short courses, and a summer school.