The goal of the workshop is to improve our understanding of the challenges faced by industry that are related to data and knowledge management and knowledge representation, particularly in the area of data integration and semantic web technologies. We will also hear about new techniques that can be applied to these challenges, including a report on existing projects sponsored by Oxford's DBOnto project in these areas, several of which involve collaborations between industry and academic partners. Finally, we want to identify areas where more collaborative research is needed. One of the main aims of the DBOnto project is to promote interaction with industry and other centres of excellence, and it can fund networking, research visits, and feasibility studies.
The workshop will be a 2-day event so as to allow time for presentations and demonstrations from industry participants as well as from academics. It will be held on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th May 2016 at the Alan Turing Institute (headquartered within the British Library). This is a newly established UK national institute for data science, with a central location in London.